Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Just Some Quick Pics

This pretty girl lives in Blowing Rock, with two or three sisters. I took about 20 pictures of her and her sisters, but I don't think you'd be interested in seeing all of those pics.

Rose hips on one of my Unidentified $3.00 Roses. I do love rose hips. The pink flowers were lovely, albeit only mildly scented.

PUMPKINS! Need I say more?

This is another one of my Notso Famous $3.00 Roses. This one is a Rugosa, and has bloomed in these clusters throughout the summer.

This is the prettiest donkey I've ever seen. Mule...donkey...whatever. I wish she lived in my back yard.

Bullet got a good Clean'N'Polish for my birthday. Just like new!

Mountains in the soft fall mist.
That's all for now. I love fall. You love fall. When you go out, don't miss anything. Don't forget to stop and smell the beautiful fall air.