Tuesday, October 27, 2009

It's Fall and I'm Still Falling In Love!

 I'm always and eternally falling in love with Fall! Here is my annual sampling of one of the best wonders of  good ol' Planet Earth.

Just a pile of dry leaves...or a small fall pleasure? I especially love the sound they make as I walk among them, but alas, you'll have to take my word for that.

This big old show-off is one of those trees that deserves an annual photograph, just like the ones they give little kids in school. The squirrels seem to like it, too.

What would any fall photo series be without a picture of this classic Autumn show-off pretending to be a Karate Dude. But fear not, dear friend. It's just my Bill, and he's just your average, ordinary brilliant business executive, enjoying cooking out on the back deck with his best friend, Moi. (You should see the pics I didn't put in.)

The creek that runs through my yard is babbling this week; probably about how refreshing life is when you're a little creek sporting a carpet of mossy rocks and yellow leaves on this nice fall day.

My magnificent "Champney's Pink Cluster" rose, now climbing at least 12' high above "Lady Banks'" tall canes, can only be enjoyed through the close-up flower taking lens of my newest camera, my Nikon something-or-other, which is very handy-dandy, indeed. I just wish she'd bow down and let me get a little whiff of her wonderful fragrant perfume.

How sweet is the color of this Japanese Maple with the sun at her back.

Below: My favorite geranium loves to sip from the spattering fountain when I'm not looking. Like me, she thrives in the Autumn weather.

What do you do when you plant a species rambler on a cute little arching metal arbor in your front yard? Well once you realize that that nice yellow rose gets to be 20' or more high, you prop the dang thing up until your dear gardener hubbie can build some sort of "arbor" for it to creep out on, to shade the parking area in your yard. This is what I call making the best of a situation...not a bad situation, but an unexpected one.

This is how the taller mountains looked two weekends ago. Yes, honey, that's snow and I love the stuff! Especially when it creeps up on me unexpectedly...

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