Sunday, December 26, 2010

The Elf Caper!

This year, as I was dreaming of a white Christmas, my dreams came true!
I hope your holiday season has been beautiful and safe. As for me and my family, we've had a wonderful, snowy white Christmas.
Santa feeds candy canes to a small, innocent looking elf as he puts presents under the tree. Mozelle the dog does nothing, recognizing Santa as a regular guest.
Aside from the snow storm which had kept our family together this Christmas, the long awaited holiday had gone along as usual.

That is, until this morning, when we awoke at the crack of dawn to unfamiliar laughter coming from the living room. Alarmed, my husband and I lept from our bed to see what the disturbance was. I will allow the pictures and the accompanying captions to tell the story:

Drunk from too many candy canes, these two small elves were caught quite by surprise. They had been attempting to open the presents you see at their feet. Of course, they pled the fifth, as you would expect them to do.
Not realizing they'd been caught, a large elf (the obvious ringleader of the gang) entered boldly right through the front door. A sleigh was waiting outside, Rudolf ready and eager to lead the way home.

We managed to snap this photo as the big elf made a run for it, cowardly leaving his companions to face the Christmas music alone.

As you can imagine, these small fellows also tried to break out...

...because we'd been forced to lock up those slippery little elflings until the cops arrived.

As it was, the big elf wasn't cowardly after all. He returned to help the two little ones escape.

A very disappointed Santa was forced to return to pick up his wayward friends, posting bail with the local police. After talking further with Mr. Claus, we have decided not to press charges.

We took this picture of the X-culprits together before they left in Santa's sleigh with Rudolph at the rear this time. They almost seemed relieved to have been caught! The whole Elf Gang promises now to forever turn away from crime.