Monday, February 28, 2011

Hello, Baby!

We are grateful to God to be blessed with another little child in the family.
Hello, World!
On Saturday, my youngest son and his wife called to ask me a couple of “labor” questions, and then called the obstetrician. They next called sister Sydney to come and watch their 3 ½ year old son, and they headed for the hospital to meet their new daughter for the first time, face to face. She came into the world late that night. Tiny, bright-eyed and strong.
Izzy loves Annabelle

We went up to see the baby yesterday, arriving just a little after 1:00 pm.

I’d like to share a few pictures with you, and some thoughts on babies and new life. I doubt that anything in here is original. Birth is one of the greatest wonders of the human experience. We are all kindrid spirits when it comes to such a miracle. Nevertheless, I offer these thoughts to you:
Though Bill and I missed seeing my grandson meet his sister for the first time, we did get to see it on film. Big brother has been anxiously awaiting his new sister for months now, calling her by her name (one of the lovely things about modern technology and learning the sex of the baby before birth).

We were told that he ran back and forth in the room for a minute, until he could get his excitement under control. Then they sat him on the bed beside his mamma, and put the baby gently in his arms. He sang a song to her. “I love you Annabelle, o’ yes I do…” Twice.

There's something about a man who knows how to handle a baby.

Lots of people get teary eyed when they first behold their tiny new family members. I do, and some of my mushier daughters do. Looking into a newborn’s eyes absolutely melts me like warm butter on a summer day.

Grandfathers have a knack for rocking babies. At least, my husband does. He always has. There’s nothing quite like observing a professional, well seasoned father doing what comes naturally.

Good fathers (…eventually aging gracefully into granddads…) are incredibly sexy, by the way.

One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, and ten little piggies.

As I said earlier, we’re grateful for another child in the family. Ten fingers and ten very long toes! But I also meant, we are grateful for this particular child. There's only one like this one. Sure, she may come into this earthly kingdom with Mama’s eyes or Aunt Joie’s gentle disposition or Grandpa Bill’s energy, but she also brings into the family her own special way of participating with and contributing to the family, and later, the world.

You may remember a certain TV mom who used to tell each of her children, “I love you best,” as she tucked them into bed.

I could always identify with that. If you’ve got several children, you know what I mean. The one you love best is the one you’re with at any given moment. (Of course, if you’ve got them all there for the holiday dinner, it’s the one who talks to you while helping you clean the kitchen. All of mine always help, so what am I saying?...I have to say that or else...)

The whole beautiful family.

I want to leave you with this verse from Psalms. It's good to remember the author of life at a joyful time such as this.

Psalm 139:13-16 ESV 

For you formed my inward parts; you knitted me together in my mother's womb. I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works; my soul knows it very well. My frame was not hidden from you, when I was being made in secret, intricately woven in the depths of the earth. Your eyes saw my unformed substance; in your book were written, every one of them, the days that were formed for me, when as yet there was none of them.


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