That word stirs up emotion in every body's heart these days.Democrats want to ignore the facts - the science of the human life cycle, the evidence of ultrasound, and ignore the cries of empty arms and voices silenced before they could ever be heard.
On one hand, the Dems scream that the right to bear arms should be taken from the law-abiding citizens when a horrific shooting by a lone crazy man takes place, killing innocent children and leaving their parents broken-hearted. On the other hand, Abortion is such a precious right that it has been taken to the extremes of partial birth abortion and even leaving babies to die uncomforted and unattended when born alive during an abortion. "Fetuses" have no rights unless they are "wanted". But then they are called "babies". Pro abortion supporters (pro choicers) deny the evidence, consequences, the statistics.
"Maybe," you say, "...Dr Gosnell's case is a rare instance." I'm afraid he's not. These things happen much more than is reported. They have been happening for years, and many of us have heard about them and have tried to warn and educate others.
Sadly, most people don't want to hear.
The fact is that abortionists can get away with things that your local pet store couldn't. To the abortionist hardened by years of tearing babies apart in what should be the safety of their mother's wombs, the things that come out alive during a botched abortion aren't "babies". They are fetuses and fetuses are something less than human, even if they look fully human, breathe, cry, gurgle and wiggle like new borns. Imagine this: To further complicate the issue, these babies are often damaged from the "procedure". They may be deprived of oxygen, burned, or missing limbs, strangled or mangled. Or they may not be damaged at all. Either way, if those children are allowed to live and go on to have productive lives, then they would come to be seen as...people. In light of that, how will abortion supporters be able to justify even one abortion after that?
Now let's talk about Republicans. They call themselves "conservative", but are they? Most are not when it comes to abortion. Instead of considering the validity of the pro life argument, they call pro life supporters "extremists". They want to ignore the issue - it's inconvenient to be pro life. It's a messy, complicated subject. It upsets people. It turns voters off. "Abortion is a personal choice" - and its a done deal. The law of the land. A medical procedure, like having a tooth pulled or the appendix out...besides, there are bigger fish to fry in the political pot. It's legal.
Sometimes even good governments legalize inhumanities and social injustices. Slavery was legal once. But it was wrong. And after centuries of slavery, that wrong was made right.
Coming into adulthood in the midst of the abortion war, I watched as Dr. Nathanson, an original outspoken abortion advocate, opened a clinic and later closed it, after seeing the workers and doctors in his clinic change from good to bad. He became a pro-life advocate, speaking out in behalf of the unborn. He said that ultrasound was what did it - what convinced him that life in the womb was indeed human life - a baby. Ultrasound wasn't invented in 1973, when Roe Vs Wade was enacted. But that's another story.
Right from the beginning, I somehow knew in my heart, that first trimester abortions wouldn't be enough for the hungry abortionists. How could it be? There's so much money to be made - so many women to exploit.
Oh, I hear you. The same weary arguments that you've been using for 40 years, as millions and millions of children are slaughtered and millions of women's lives are damaged or ruined and sometimes even murdered by reckless, ruthless abortionists. Women have been talked into abortion, coerced, and sometimes forced, by "well-meaning" people who they think care about them.
Enter Dr Kermit Gosnell. Not a licensed abortionist. Not even a gynecologist. Just a man who, like Dr Nathanson, had been a champion for the abortion industry. But instead of realizing with ultrasound that the unborn were indeed people in an early stage of life, Gosnell realized opportunity. He could "serve" people of color - the poor blacks and browns in his town, and make lots of money at the same time.
I was shocked to learn some things about the clinic that Dr. Kermit Gosnell ran. I'll list them for you, to make it easy:
1. His clinic was filthy, with blood on the walls and floors, on furniture, etc.
2. He did abortions at all stages, including late term abortions even though those were illegal in Pennsylvania.
3. He often had no nurses or staff who would attend patients (victims) after the abortions.
4. If the patient couldn't afford pain killers, Gosnell did not always use anesthetics.
5. Drugs were administered by employees, trained on the job - not professional doctors or nurses.
6. His office was inspected three times and didn't do well. The last time was in 1992 or so. They found plenty of things wrong there, but didn't require that they be corrected.
7. Three times at least, women were reported to have died in his clinic, and not once did those deaths get investigated.
8. Tom Ridge, a Republican Governor, didn't want to "interfere with a woman's right to choose", so he didn't insist on abortion clinics being inspected. (Your local restaurants have much more stringent requirements to live up to than these abortion clinics.)
9. Dr Gosnell usually aborted black or brown babies, but if a white woman came in, there was a separate room for them. The reason: White women were more likely to report any abuses than women of color.
10. When the clinic was at last inspected, they found jars of baby parts - especially feet - preserved in jars, and the freezer was full of aborted babies in garbage bags.
11. Some estimate that Gosnell made as much as 10-15 thousand a day aborting poor women's babies.
12. Gosnell performed at least one abortion against the young woman's will, with Gosnell and several office workers holding the young woman down, tying her to the bed, and drugging her. She was so mutilated, she can't have children now.
13. Some women were drugged so much that they slept for hours - long after the safe, normal period of time to be "under". He almost drugged them to death.
14. Many women who were butchered by Gosnell were made infertile - Gosnell aborted the only baby they would ever be able to conceive or carry full term.
15. Many babies were born alive. Gosnell said there was sometimes less risk in letting them be born alive than in killing them before birth.
16. Then Gosnell would kill the babies by plunging a scissor into the back of their necks and severing the spinal cord - which didn't always kill them right away. The pain they suffered - I can't imagine such horror. If dogs were treated like that - even rats in a lab - Americans would be outraged and picketing in the streets. Why do those same people allow the unborn to suffer like this?
17. This is beyond Gosnell's clinic to the majority of abortion clinics which are opened in poor minority neighborhoods in the US. As a result, abortion is the major cause of death in the African American community. Being pro-abortion is a racist sentiment to many people who know this fact.
18. They investigated Gosnell, not because of the reports of deaths and late term abortions, but because he was accused of giving out prescription drugs, like Oxycontin.
There were many more things that shocked and horrified me, but you can read about them in the articles and websites at the bottom of this page.
I know that many people want to believe that Dr Gosnell was a crazy man. I have been hearing things like this for over 32 years, when I realized that a doctor in Richmond Virginia was an abortionist who left babies to die on the table after being born alive during abortion. Later, I heard about women whose uterus were accidentally removed, killing the mothers. And when I heard about women who were forced into abortions by parents, husbands, boyfriends and other "concerned" people. (Lorena Bobbitt was one.)
I am beyond disgusted that this terrible sociopath, Dr Gosnell, and his house of horrors hasn't been broadly reported by the mainstream media. Some have mentioned it or "reported" on it, but how thoroughly? How irresponsible can they be? Women have a right to know. People of color need to know. You and I have a right to know.We have the responsibility to know. There's no excuse for ignorance in this day and age.
We have to stand together against the self-willed ignorance that prevails in this nation. There was a country run by a madman 60 years ago. And while he slaughtered millions of people behind walls and fences across his nation, the people pretended they didn't know. They didn't want to know. When they found out, they realized that they had blood on their hands because they had closed their eyes and their ears to the cries of help. Hitler believed in abortion. He believed in sterilization. He believed in euthanasia. Hitler was what many call these days, "Pro-Choice".
What can we do, as voters and citizens? We must demand that our senators, house of representatives, governors, all the way down to the local governments get educated and make necessary changes.
Human life may be inconvenient at times, but that doesn't make it disposable. No child is truly "unwanted". There are lots of empty arms longing to hold a baby who can't produce a baby of their own.
Abortion. America is not through with abortion. Abortion is our Holocaust, the killing of the innocent. It's the ultimate exploitation of womanhood to deny the value of motherhood. Abortion is murder - the Genocide of the Innocents.
For more information:
Dr Nathanson: http://www.life.org.nz/abortion/aboutabortion/historyglobal9/Default.htm
Dr Gosnell: http://news.yahoo.com/woman-had-abortion-gosnell-clinic-165031824.html
Abortion side effects: http://www.abortionrisks.org/index.php?title=Social_Effects_and_Implications_of_Abortion
Accounts from victims of abortion - young women: http://www.standupgirl.com/
Methods of abortion: http://www.lifenews.com/2013/01/02/abortion-methods-and-abortion-procedures-used-to-kill-unborn-babies/
Black pro-life groups: http://www.nationalblackprolifeunion.com/
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